Discovery Hour
@ 9:00 AM

Discovery Hour is an opportunity to learn together. We have classes for all ages…

  • Children (K-Grade 5)

    We use an age-appropriate curriculum to go through the Bible chronologically to see God’s epic story while also having fun!

  • Youth (Grades 6-12)

    Youth are challenged to engage with the meta-narrative found in Scripture as we study the Bible in chronological order. This time is designed to be hands-on and interactive as we dive into the Bible head-on.

  • Adults

    Our adult classes give opportunity for group discussion on what we are learning about our relationship with Jesus.

@ 10:15 AM

Worship service is a time when all ages join together to celebrate what God is doing in us and through us.  It includes times of praise, music, prayer, giving, and reflection on God’s Word.  We believe celebrating together unites us and prepares us for each week.